Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Hands of Jesus at Work

Today God spoke to me through these nearly angelic souls that I actually discovered online...many of the very things that the deepest part of my soul has been crying out for since my Dad died...these people...they are implementing them, they are actively creating them, I am so grateful beyond words to have discovered these people and this knowledge.

Thank you, Greg Schneider, thank you...because of people like you all of us now have such amazing blessings such as the Community Outreach Program in Education (COPE)Hospice Educators Affirming Life (HEAL) ProjectHospice Volunteer Association (HVA)Hannah's Friends and soon to be the Hospice Volunteer Training Institute

The HEAL Project's Community Outreach Program - Info Letter Series

The dying teach those of us who bear witness as volunteer caregivers what is truly important in life. That is, to love one another and care for each other with tenderness and compassion. The caregiving experience is one that can be transformative.

Hospice volunteers often experience the frequent expressions of awe and disbelief by the dying and their families that such a place as a hospice could even exist. The care and support they received was often a new experience and it was accepted with intense gratitude. As a result it became quite clear that a grassroots public education effort was needed to make more families aware of hospice and its benefits.

The various Info Letter series strive to initiate that grassroots effort by offering the public an online downloadable resource of free information on caring for dying adults and children.

Series I - Caring for a Terminally ill Loved One - Making Compassionate Choices: this series focuses on the various facets of caregiving starting with the diagnosis of a terminal illness through to death and the bereavement period that follows.

Series II - Caring for a Child Approaching the End of Life and Keeping the Family Together: Families that are caring for a child with a life-limiting or life-threatening illness face formidable emotional, psychological and spiritual challenges. This series provides useful information that will help guide and support them on their journey, easing the uncertainty of what lies ahead.

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