Thursday, February 26, 2009

Talking to your younger and/or school age child about your cancer...

Great podcast found HERE, some highlights from below...
  • Talk to them about your cancer, share information with them. By not doing so you may be (unintentionally) pushing them towards spying tactics in order to gain information.  Clear accurate age appropriate information.
  • Assure them that nothing they did, said or thought caused the cancer.
  • Find a way for them to "help" you...allowing them to do so will benefit and empower the child.
  • Comfort, comfort, comfort them.  Reassure them that feelings are okay.
Can I get it from you?
Cancer is not "catchy" ~ it's not a germ.

Who will take care of me?
Assure them that they will be cared for...keep routines as normal as possible.   You're so important, we've already thought of this and have set it up for you.  Make plans and say YES to help.  Consistency is Key

Is the "non-cancer" parent okay?
Assure them, tell them the doctor says they're healthy, etc.

Will you die?
If you know your disease is advanced do not make false promises. Tell them that the doctor is giving you very strong medicine and you're doing everything that you can to fight this and take care of yourself.

Fantastic Resource Link...

Support services to help patients cope with the emotional and social impacts of a cancer diagnosis must be included in the standard care patients receive, urges a report from the National Academies' Institute of Medicine (IOM).

Using This Book

This book is meant to be a tool to assist you in talking to young children.  It is not meant to make things more difficult or complicated for you as you are dealing with cancer.  By providing you with a choice of pages and topics, we hope that you can use exactly what feels right to you in helping your children understand and cope with cancer in the family.  Please do not stress about which pages to choose, or how many pages to utilize.  After using the book once or twice, your children’s responses will guide you to the next choice of pages and topics.

Someone I Love Is Sick

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