Monday, January 19, 2009

For PapAmore, Palliative Care Awareness in Honor of Odee Lenderink

In Honor of PapAmore, Arend 'Odee' Lenderink...we wish to dramatically increase the amount of quality information and valuable resources shared with and available to those potentially facing the final stage of cancer.

Although incomprehensible, some physicians do not share with their patients essential knowledge of greatly aiding end of life material.  Rather they seemingly feel it is their "God given right" to singularly destroy all hope while at the same time offering no "road map" for the horrific journey most likely ahead.

When I reflect upon the dark aimlessness my parent's were dealt by my Dad's one and only Oncologist, I am so overwhelmingly sickened.  To deal another human being a "medically no more options" hand without providing them with the necessary tools to face this nightmare is beyond cruel and inhumane.

I fervently pray that none other will have to endure this agonizing path.  I can't get my Dad back now, but I can (hopefully) work towards helping others in his name.

To simply hand a patient a folder Palliative Care Resources is such an easy yet vital act. 
There is NO EXCUSE for ANY Physician to omit doing so...

Please a leave a comment below for our Papa, regarding 
Odee Lenderink's Palliative Care Awareness and please do not hesitate to add any suggestions and/or questions as well...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I cannot begin to adequately express just how much a simple brochure on Palliative Care options would have meant to my family less than a month ago. Doesn't it just seem logical to have an information folder that physicians are required to distribute to cancer patients regarding "potential options" and "end of life care"?

It's difficult enough to digest this tragic news, perhaps add to that a physician with "bad bedside manners" and how much really is the traumatized human mind able to comprehend? Not everyone is aware, willing, able, etc. to dig up info. on their own as well, a simple folder of options would be such a comforting resource at that time.